Thank you to all of you who attended yesterday’s webinar!

We wanted to provide the rest of you with the opportunity to watch. Just click this link, provide a few details, and enjoy.



In the coming months, my team and I will be presenting on a wide range of topics that hit on the ways various industries and countries are adapting – or not – to the current crisis and what we can expect next.

The set fee for the event is $750. This will include access to the recorded videoconference, a Q&A with the audience at the end of the presentation as well as a copy of the PDF. 

We look forward to seeing you there. Please use the links below to register:

Manufacturing in a New Era
(June 3)

The Industrial Powerhouse: Mexico
(June 16)

A Changing Industrial Giant: China
(June 29)

Energy in a New Era
(July 8)

The State of Global Agriculture
(July 21)

Newsletters from Zeihan on Geopolitics have always been and always will be free of charge. However, if you enjoy them or find them useful, please consider showing your appreciation via a donation to Feeding America. One of the biggest problems the United States faces at present is food dislocation: pre-COVID, nearly 40% of all foods were not consumed at home. Instead they were destined for places like restaurants and college dorms. Shifting the supply chain to grocery stores takes time and money, but people need food now. Some 23 million students used to be on school lunches, for example. That servicing has evaporated. Feeding America helps bridge the gap between America’s food supply (which remains robust) and its demand (which coronavirus has shifted faster than the supply chains can keep up).
A little goes a very long way. For a single dollar, FA can feed one person for three days.


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