The CRF Files, Introduction

Read the other installments in this series:
CRF Files, Part I: The Future of Korea
The Cutting Room Files, Part 2: The Future of Mexico
The Cutting Room Files, Part 3: The Future of Canada
The Cutting Room Files, Part 4: The Future of Japan
The Cutting Room Files, Part 5: The Future of the United Kingdom
The Cutting Room Files, Part 6: The Future of China
The Cutting Room Files, Part 7: Europe
The Cutting Room Files, Part 8: American Politics

So…. it’s done!

The final text of my next book, Disunited Nations, is through copy edit and deep into proofing. Within a few weeks advance copies will be heading out for media review. Full publication is scheduled for the first week in March.

I’d like to thank everyone for their support, assistance and endless needling about when the damn thing will be finished. The world is a dynamic, ever-changing place, and nothing that I do happens in a vacuum. Everyone’s questions and comments and threats help shape what I know and what I look at. Please keep it up.

My goal with Disunited is less to sketch out the world as it is or as I would like to see it, and instead as it is about to be. Today’s world is dizzying in its complexity, but at its core it is a single integrated system underpinned by the Americans. This era is ending. Soon the world will fracture into a host of competing systems. Some purely national. Some regional.

My book contract said I would explain this world in 80,000 words. Heh. That didn’t happen. My first draft was 180,000. I was firmly, if politely, informed that wouldn’t happen either. We compromised with about 120,000. The rest ended up on the cutting room floor.

Anywho, as a partial thank you to all you who have directly and indirectly supported my efforts, and to perhaps keep some of those of you who are more intellectually ravenous at least partially sated, I’m happy to announce the launch of the Cutting Room Files. During the next couple of months we’ll be releasing an open-ended series of newsletters cobbled together from various bits that didn’t make it into the final version of Disunited Nations, as well as some embargoed not-quite-pieces of my previous books – The Accidental Superpower and The Absent Superpower – that have been waiting for release for some time.

Should you feel so inclined, you can click the following links to pre-order Disunited Nations on Amazon.comHarper Collins, and IndieBound. Link options for Accidental and Absent can be found here and here, respectively.

But most of all, thank you all and happy reading!